Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sadness for the Burmese

8888. Lucky in everywhere,but it's the day where the Burmese version of Tiananmen took place.

Now the millitary is at it again

I was a toddler last time it happened
Now I'm very sure what's gonna happen

However hard it is to keep order

Now they arrest everyone who even had the temerity to see what had unfolded, V for Vendetta style. Only there isn't a V, and the millitary doesn't have a whole gamut of labs. But Th*n Shw* is surely an Adam Suttler. Now even Gambari's return after a month is a wait too long, if the millitary is so inclined to pre-empt any talks...

Unless some disaffected soldiers act

and in the extreme case: (taken from V for Vendetta)...his lieutenant killed him

Amid all the extreme rhetoric, my heart goes out to the oppressed

Saturday, September 29, 2007

killing fields

the wind that shakes the barley
leaves no stone unturned
exposes everything

as a platoon marches past
it brings along
hope and hardship

in the battle for death
there's no space for the living
to even ponder

what's done been done
but we do get one last chance
to fight for our lives

furthest away from our minds
as mercy was repaid by force
they didn't know they're cornered

now it's now or never
and they full well know
they may never win

Saturday, September 15, 2007

let go

maybe i wished
i had my way
all the time
but truth is
90% isn't
what you expect
from simple
to hard

let go

i wished
forever with you
early on
said the girl

just as well
we're only 16
and with understanding
we both knew full well

that we deserve
someone better
she,a better boy
me,a better girl
we're too young

she found hers
i've yet to find mine
but at least i found solace
in the fact that
though painful it has to
just let go
maybe then
unbreak my heart

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Mooncake head's wildest dreams

According to the amateur gourmand Josef,it's 2 weeks before the mid-autumn festival and here's a special wishlist of which mooncakes he wants,and maybe fanstasises

Traditional Top 3

1: Big China mooncakes. the mainstay of my grandparents,and maybe my parents. traditional to the core,and the only ones i know with the unusual 4 yolks(forget the calories). but I love it plain

2: Sheraton Towers White Lotus with 2 yolks: pity I don't like egg yolks,but the pragmatist in me can't help but swoon at the box. $78 for 4. the economist in me was thinking whether this is allocatively efficient,but who cares

3: Tung Lok's pistachio pandan: hey I love pandan ones. the pistachio lends an interesting green. $40 for 4

Top 10 turnheads

1: Marriott Ebony and Ivory snowskin-whisky chocolate praline.a inherently interesting and tasteful combo,and more logical than the blueberry cheesecake that's out this year. $6 a pop or $40 for 8 small ones

2: Shangri-la's BIRD'S NEST with custard in snowskin: i intentionally put it in caps to show how much this is a fantasy. interpret the rest yourself. $77 for 8 mini ones (!)

3: Fullerton's Ginseng white lotus snow skin- $55 for 4. not a bad deal,but i wish they had slivers of the real thing inside instead of pine nuts. equally intersting is chestnut amaretto,which is quite a nut of a mooncake,and the malibu is redolent with coconuts. but my personal favourite,which is cheaper,is the chocolate bailey,so creamy($49,alternately get one of each at $53 in a combo)

4:Raffles truffles. LOVE IT.a cognac or champagne truffle,by any means must not be missed. $45 for champagne,$43 for cognac. i think the latter is the better deal

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Monday, September 03, 2007

(demand outstrip supply) outstrips all concerns

good news or bad? the thought of a 4th university seems to be bandied around as a solution for the blatant lack of university places. maybe the 5th if some do have their way.luckily the government has tried to address the lack of merit goods,although I do not rule out the possibility of them making it a overkill

simply put it: what does adding 200 places to NUS and NTU each mean? if it means that the supply problems is just eased a bit. fine enough, but then it probably meant that students still suffer from a lack of info anyoldhow. fact is,there's an oversubscription of some really popular faculties,at the expense of others,and that probably mean that supply problems won't be eased by the addition of university places. I don't mind the fact that you should chase your dreams,but the shuddering fact is that everybody's kinda have a fixed mindset of what they should be doing.

as for the gripes of the poly students,I suspect it has something to do with the conservatism of the current 3 today. what happens is that in the university,the tutorial/lecture based mainstream of Singapore(and maybe the world) academia runs counter to the practically based stance of the polys. with book crunching all the rage,and sadly,habit of all the best students,they are better understood overseas than at home,as if a lost prophet who heralded changes for the better ironically wasn't welcomed at home. in the academic conservatism of paper qualifications,polys lose out

which means,don't put too much hopes on any reforms,lest the JC students start cranking up their mugging machines again and start runneth over

Sunday, September 02, 2007

shattered dreams

Went for army open house at SISPEC and saw a few pals. glad to say they're fine,and told them all about the escapades in the open house,completed by a live firing exercise.

tried a few rifles. the sniper rifle is easy to operate(for all you sniper/CS fans,we don't use AWP),M16(of the ancien regime),a SAW and SAR 21 rifle,with at least 30 blanks and 5 live rounds fired. I must say it's quite a sturdy bullpup,although it shoots like a girl. and basically depending on your viewpoint,the scope can be a boon(according to the official line),or bane(according to Matt). not too accurate at longer distances(as found out to my detriment at the live firing range),but otherwise designed for maximum mobility and for the more delicate Asian physique

which brings me to the next story...

Dave. Initially you'd think he's insane trying to carry a rifle out of camp. something so ridiculous and never tried before for 20 years plus,but why he managed to do that?

throwing away a bright future with 1 month to go before he can say,phew?

Shattered Dreams. basically he used to be a cheery lad like many of us,growing up,and not caring much about our lives yet. until a divorce,a death and a lot more unfortunate happenings got into his head and overcame him.

to him,he craved for love.without parental care,he pinned his hopes on a girl. they used to get on fine,

until everything changed

never mind the accusations of being overly possessive by his ex. harrassing isn't the right direction for a relationship,no doubt,but he's just misunderstood. had he been forthcoming about his problems he had faced,at least it might not be the end. but unfortunately,by mercilessly dumping him,he simply crumbled.

forgive him

Although he has to face the music,and he rightly must,he really needs lots of help,which hasn't been forthcoming,and being misunderstood is least of his concerns. for someone emotionally so fragile,it'd be a shame if his life were to go downhill before that