Friday, November 16, 2007

lovely poem

When I close my eyes
I simply think of you
Nice things you did to me

Now I realised
I still can't forget
Everything great about you

Looks like
I liked you
More than everything

However hard it is
U are my everything
I'll stand by you

When I open my eyes
Everything returns to reality
Now I just smiled

Friday, November 02, 2007

Who cares about Arsenil?

Right, this morning isn't too impressive, but I'd make do with a standing order not to discuss any paper given the fact that we'll be nostalgic

what the heck, tomorrow at 2040 while i'm at orchard road? scully it's arsenil leading 2-0 and then Man U the Great scores 5 in 20 mins. i won't wanna miss that. for goodness sake, what's 7-0 against a champs league debutant? even 36-0 like the springboks won't do when scoring 1 goal against roma is equal to scoring 6 against s.prague. then they lose steam in the end...hahaha

I can't wait for Man U to score 7-1 again...this time against Arsenil

speaking of the takeover, I concur with the current idiots at the board that Usmanov iuntentions are dubious. if Usmanov takes over.. then he will bankrupt the team until they are forced to cut costs by selling Walcott and Fabregas to highest bidder (i.e: Man U or Chelshit for world record 1 billion) then we got 2 'Figos' to handle

Saturday, October 27, 2007

gun loaded

it's time

Monday, October 22, 2007


Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to remain neutral, there is no doubt there may be a little skewing to different sides at any given time. however you want to interpret, this is a democracy, and any extreme views shall not be tolerated

99% of Singaporeans don't really know what is Section 377A of the penal code, until the last two weeks. Some liberals want it removed once and for all because it's so archaic in today's world (come on, 2 gay men having sex...there's one way right? or 2)
, and many conservatives demanding it be kept (i'd be damned sure it's forever)

Excerpt from WE the Majority

A recent NTU study revealed that almost 70% of Singaporeans expressed negative attitudes towards lesbians and gay men. Singapore remains a country and a society that wants our children to grow up in an environment where wholesome family values are embraced, without a mainstreamed gay lifestyle.

Repealing Section 377A would be the first step towards eroding the family values we hold. We the majority can make our stand clear. It's time we speak up.
Keep S377A.

As far as I'm concerned This is going nowhere. I know the current climate is still inhospitalable for gays and yes, we're dealing with the religiously conservative generation of our parents. As a Believer I've to admit I'm not very open to unnatural sex behaviours. but credibility questions have to be asked: where's the youth voice? aren't they the ones more affected by the gay culture than their parents with the spread of information technology? and better still we're an Asian society, conservative in ideals, and to add, in speech. Our collective ideals triumph over individualism, in contrast to the west, and we are not known to speak against a big majority who has much sway.

I also need to ask: are lesbians and gays so heartless as to have no family values to speak of? like they're there only to annoy their parents with their unusual sex orientation? I dare say they also miss their family, but due to peer pressure from both sides, be it their family and friends, they steer clear of gays/lesbs like plague.

But isn't it too soon for 377A to be repealed? Our society is still kinda unopen to gays and their lifestyle. yes, it's all perpetuated in the stereotypes, but even most of us have not experienced first hand what the smallest extent of gay culture spread will bring. we kinda have this view that it's unnatural, and sometimes it's a kinda illogical...Also with the recent religious revival, there's gonna be contradiction of the ideals of gays and God, and these questions are best not answered

I think 377A should not be repealed for the next 5 years, but I'm looking forward to it being gone by 2012. Society and its laws should be gradually opened, and I'm sure there would be people wanting it to be retained forever. But forcing it open too quickly does no good in the long term

Friday, October 19, 2007

Schalk-e Burger

England vs South Africa this Sunday. I'm not too concerned though, except for England's seemingly weird way to defend their title. Reminds me of Brazil in the 2002 World Cup, where they got panned all the way to the final and managed to show who's boss. Due to the fact that there's Old Firm this week, I guess I'll be using my rare time to blog to talk about a burger recipe...designed to be gobbled down within 80-90 minutes and to go with pilsner, particularly Veltins, while watching matches...see the pun? (I mean bun)

Schalke Burger (for 1)

242g beef
1 cup breadcrumbs(from the same country loaf, or biscuit crumbs)
1 onion, finely chopped
1 egg
grated parmigiano reggiano
1 tsp mustard powder(optional binding agent)
pat of butter, straight from the fridge

copious amounts of sliced cucumbers,cabbage
mushrooms and more onions

tomato ketchup,beer mustard
panfried bacon
cheddar cheese

Mix all the ingredients together. Do be sure to test its resilience by scrumming 2 smaller balls of the patty together before forming. put the pat of butter in the middle, wrap up and shape to a rugby ball shaped patty. flatten and pan fry or chargrill until done

Serve on a rugby ball shaped country loaf(failing which a dome shape one will do) and Veltins by the bottle (or any other beer). Just don't choke on the seemingly apparent victory

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I probablty thought I've become a has-been...end of story

Monday, October 08, 2007


When everything's over, it's prolly a big time to take it easy by listening to the King,Elvis. I dunno why, but Elvis seems to be so long-living, even when he's dead for like...40 years

I dunno any Elvis song to croon to actually, and growing up in the days where Elvis is the preserve of our dads,mums,uncles,aunties,grandparents...especially when they're just toddlers,it probably seemed unexpected that they will be listening to his songs even 40 years from now

Maybe it's time to check into heartbreak hotel

Saturday, October 06, 2007

lovely night

Night falls
Nice Food
Dating over dinner

That's what happens when The New Faces get to dine with a proportionate amount of guys. Sounds cool.

Oh yeah anyway before I leave the building, I just hope that any thing bad that occured is forgiven and maybe forgotten

Friday, October 05, 2007

stoppage time

finally it's a week left before everything disappears

dust to dust
ashes to ashes

In the end everything's forgotten

Monday, October 01, 2007



Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sadness for the Burmese

8888. Lucky in everywhere,but it's the day where the Burmese version of Tiananmen took place.

Now the millitary is at it again

I was a toddler last time it happened
Now I'm very sure what's gonna happen

However hard it is to keep order

Now they arrest everyone who even had the temerity to see what had unfolded, V for Vendetta style. Only there isn't a V, and the millitary doesn't have a whole gamut of labs. But Th*n Shw* is surely an Adam Suttler. Now even Gambari's return after a month is a wait too long, if the millitary is so inclined to pre-empt any talks...

Unless some disaffected soldiers act

and in the extreme case: (taken from V for Vendetta)...his lieutenant killed him

Amid all the extreme rhetoric, my heart goes out to the oppressed

Saturday, September 29, 2007

killing fields

the wind that shakes the barley
leaves no stone unturned
exposes everything

as a platoon marches past
it brings along
hope and hardship

in the battle for death
there's no space for the living
to even ponder

what's done been done
but we do get one last chance
to fight for our lives

furthest away from our minds
as mercy was repaid by force
they didn't know they're cornered

now it's now or never
and they full well know
they may never win

Saturday, September 15, 2007

let go

maybe i wished
i had my way
all the time
but truth is
90% isn't
what you expect
from simple
to hard

let go

i wished
forever with you
early on
said the girl

just as well
we're only 16
and with understanding
we both knew full well

that we deserve
someone better
she,a better boy
me,a better girl
we're too young

she found hers
i've yet to find mine
but at least i found solace
in the fact that
though painful it has to
just let go
maybe then
unbreak my heart

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Mooncake head's wildest dreams

According to the amateur gourmand Josef,it's 2 weeks before the mid-autumn festival and here's a special wishlist of which mooncakes he wants,and maybe fanstasises

Traditional Top 3

1: Big China mooncakes. the mainstay of my grandparents,and maybe my parents. traditional to the core,and the only ones i know with the unusual 4 yolks(forget the calories). but I love it plain

2: Sheraton Towers White Lotus with 2 yolks: pity I don't like egg yolks,but the pragmatist in me can't help but swoon at the box. $78 for 4. the economist in me was thinking whether this is allocatively efficient,but who cares

3: Tung Lok's pistachio pandan: hey I love pandan ones. the pistachio lends an interesting green. $40 for 4

Top 10 turnheads

1: Marriott Ebony and Ivory snowskin-whisky chocolate praline.a inherently interesting and tasteful combo,and more logical than the blueberry cheesecake that's out this year. $6 a pop or $40 for 8 small ones

2: Shangri-la's BIRD'S NEST with custard in snowskin: i intentionally put it in caps to show how much this is a fantasy. interpret the rest yourself. $77 for 8 mini ones (!)

3: Fullerton's Ginseng white lotus snow skin- $55 for 4. not a bad deal,but i wish they had slivers of the real thing inside instead of pine nuts. equally intersting is chestnut amaretto,which is quite a nut of a mooncake,and the malibu is redolent with coconuts. but my personal favourite,which is cheaper,is the chocolate bailey,so creamy($49,alternately get one of each at $53 in a combo)

4:Raffles truffles. LOVE IT.a cognac or champagne truffle,by any means must not be missed. $45 for champagne,$43 for cognac. i think the latter is the better deal

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Monday, September 03, 2007

(demand outstrip supply) outstrips all concerns

good news or bad? the thought of a 4th university seems to be bandied around as a solution for the blatant lack of university places. maybe the 5th if some do have their way.luckily the government has tried to address the lack of merit goods,although I do not rule out the possibility of them making it a overkill

simply put it: what does adding 200 places to NUS and NTU each mean? if it means that the supply problems is just eased a bit. fine enough, but then it probably meant that students still suffer from a lack of info anyoldhow. fact is,there's an oversubscription of some really popular faculties,at the expense of others,and that probably mean that supply problems won't be eased by the addition of university places. I don't mind the fact that you should chase your dreams,but the shuddering fact is that everybody's kinda have a fixed mindset of what they should be doing.

as for the gripes of the poly students,I suspect it has something to do with the conservatism of the current 3 today. what happens is that in the university,the tutorial/lecture based mainstream of Singapore(and maybe the world) academia runs counter to the practically based stance of the polys. with book crunching all the rage,and sadly,habit of all the best students,they are better understood overseas than at home,as if a lost prophet who heralded changes for the better ironically wasn't welcomed at home. in the academic conservatism of paper qualifications,polys lose out

which means,don't put too much hopes on any reforms,lest the JC students start cranking up their mugging machines again and start runneth over

Sunday, September 02, 2007

shattered dreams

Went for army open house at SISPEC and saw a few pals. glad to say they're fine,and told them all about the escapades in the open house,completed by a live firing exercise.

tried a few rifles. the sniper rifle is easy to operate(for all you sniper/CS fans,we don't use AWP),M16(of the ancien regime),a SAW and SAR 21 rifle,with at least 30 blanks and 5 live rounds fired. I must say it's quite a sturdy bullpup,although it shoots like a girl. and basically depending on your viewpoint,the scope can be a boon(according to the official line),or bane(according to Matt). not too accurate at longer distances(as found out to my detriment at the live firing range),but otherwise designed for maximum mobility and for the more delicate Asian physique

which brings me to the next story...

Dave. Initially you'd think he's insane trying to carry a rifle out of camp. something so ridiculous and never tried before for 20 years plus,but why he managed to do that?

throwing away a bright future with 1 month to go before he can say,phew?

Shattered Dreams. basically he used to be a cheery lad like many of us,growing up,and not caring much about our lives yet. until a divorce,a death and a lot more unfortunate happenings got into his head and overcame him.

to him,he craved for love.without parental care,he pinned his hopes on a girl. they used to get on fine,

until everything changed

never mind the accusations of being overly possessive by his ex. harrassing isn't the right direction for a relationship,no doubt,but he's just misunderstood. had he been forthcoming about his problems he had faced,at least it might not be the end. but unfortunately,by mercilessly dumping him,he simply crumbled.

forgive him

Although he has to face the music,and he rightly must,he really needs lots of help,which hasn't been forthcoming,and being misunderstood is least of his concerns. for someone emotionally so fragile,it'd be a shame if his life were to go downhill before that

Thursday, August 23, 2007

a question

Requirement: a laptop.must be a latest,decent model,preferably with a DVD-RW,Windows Vista and well souped up

Explanation: fed up by jostling of 1 com by 4 people, and hearing of the benefits of 2 laptops in 1 house,I decided to have one of my own,and anyway we're adults and we need our stuff to be ever ready

Evaluation: it is probably effective against unauthorised MSN sign-ins. I have enough of seeing my fave contacts go online yet not being able to talk because some two faced busted is hogging the com. I also want to customise my com,something which is not always the case when 4 people are trying their darndest hardest to bump each other off com. also good for late night MSN-ing,something which has not been do-able
Unfortunately the drawback is that of 'envy',something which can be solved by sis having a laptop when she goes on to university. now 3 people jostling for the com is still troublesome,so why not I have one for myself. 2 left but that means I'll pull out my com stuff into my own wonderland and leave my bro to blame dad for leaving him to out-bid each other. excuse me,as a young adult i've enough of jostling with people for the com as if we're little kids and the com as an evil tool as percieved by my tech-unsavvy dad and 'secessionist' claims as seen by my 'tech-savvy' bro.

Example: gaming can then be done,without my bro trying to peek into my com or worry about anything

Saturday, August 18, 2007

3 months

can we wait?

that's how difficult it is to keep everything from falling apart. time flies by so fast,and by then it's another sorry situation as you wished your nightmare isn't over when it is.

all because it was so traumatic

Saturday, August 11, 2007

love poem

I do not claim to be even aiming for NUS FASS,but I'll try writing a poem,because I'm simply bored

a sweet story
that swift moment
when you've had a brush
with your eventual crush
the first impression
soon led to expression
of a hope to be together

a sour grape
the only gripe
if you don't have one
you long for one
only to be dashed
when you pour grief
on the sour taste

a bitter pill
a better man
or so we thought
as we fought
over many things
and fret the thinks
of the 'other thing'

a spicy sauce
adding the spice
at whatever price
repressed it flares
excess it bares
the very soul painted
by the tainted

so fragile
amazing that chatter
would shatter dreams
you split apart
but glued again
adding to the blues
that led to the boos

so sturdy
go steady
making a promise
breaking it soon after
freaking out
too late
you tempted fate

for a while
it lasts that long
as fast as it goes
you tried to build
like a tower
it only wilts
like a flower

for ever
a perpetual feeling
eternally reeling
from the side effects
of being by your side
for better or for worse

a funny thing
a sober truth
so unpredictable
yet so predictable
it's in fashion
leads to passion
for something...special

I think my poetry skills suck.all for being an ex-lit student.maybe I haven't wrote poems all my life,or i'm really unsuitable for lit

leave your poetic comments here

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

la vie en rose

life is just like that

so delicate,so beautiful,but just so...temporary

that little tingle in your mind

time flies...

well life hasn't been very extraordinary,but it comes to a point where we are going into pastures the girls start university and the guys wait redfaced while they slog it out,their seniors being thrown into the hurly-burly of the world,and the juniors simply helpless even till then...

that's it/it wilts

Saturday, July 14, 2007

When can my heart beat again?
When does the pain ever end?
When do the tears stop from running over?
When does "You'll get over it" begin?
I hear what you're saying,
But I swear that it's not making sense.
So when can I see you...

When can I see you again?
When can my heart beat again?
When can I see you again, babe?
When can I breathe once again?
And when can I see you...

When does my "Someday" begin?
When I'll find someone again.
And what if I still am not truly over?
What am I supposed to do then, baby, baby...?
Do you see what I'm saying,
Even if, if it's not making sense?
So when can I see you...

When can I see you again, babe, yeah?
When can my heart beat again, yeah?
When can I see you again, yeah, babe?
And when can I breathe once again?
And when can I see you...again?


Yeah, baby,
Please hear what I'm saying,
Even if, if it's not making sense, baby.
So when can I see you again?

When can I see you again, yeah, yeah?
Can my heart beat again, baby, yeah?
When can I see you again, babe?
And when can I breathe once again, yeah?
And when can I see you, yeah, again.

Wanna see you again,

Friday, July 06, 2007

killed in action

we know how people die after seeing the word 'vietnam' on their econs scripts

enough of the Vietcong

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thaddeus C

though I might not know you personally,I just hope you found a better place up there. there is just so much I can say,but to go off in a blaze of glory after you did yourself and your peers proud,all efforts aren't likely to be wasted

many people haven't seen the blood,sweat,tears,...,that puts to training. though we might debate about all those circumstances for a long time,I just want to tell you,you're still a warrior

Sunday, June 24, 2007

last life left

finally someone I missed so much gave me all the news about who's gone where

Germ(aine).Joyz/Joyce.Deb.Rara/Sarah.Joce.VanC.Norma.CY: they stuck together through thick and thin.that notwithstanding I suspect all are taking lit classes.NUS FASS(Fac of Arts and Soc Sci)
has a whole gamut of courses and I don't know any details. it was late in the night when Germ smsed me. sorry Germ for the book snatching incident,Joyz for giving you a lil bit too much to handle(altho thanks for tolerating-barely),deb for making my self seem misunderstood,Rara and Joce for being a little too friendly,VanC and Norma for slackin during PW and Chen Yu for a lotta stuff which i doubt you'd forgive

NUS Biz: Rosanne. prospective junior? I promise there won't be anymore antics like last year. enjoy your time there and I think I'll look for you next time for serious business.and yeah,scully you look different

NTU Lit: Meryl.Jialing. Firstlove called Lit. I think I'll miss you both.I won't be applying for lit(I've other plans),so you're guaranteed lots of time mugging peacefully. but then,i don't know if you'll become a big hit in lit circles,so keep fingers crossed

NTU Masscomm: Ci and Jang. I see the latter almost every week. but for Ci,I miss you. and I don't know if you'll ever see me again

SMU law: PPX.impressive.judgment reserved whether I'll go there or I'll 'terrorise'(
the above word is not intended to instil any fear) NUS. but there shall be drastically little nonsense if I go both places.2 years in NS and 4 more months of VC style torture will see to that

Yiwen: I don't know if there will ever be a class gathering,but inasmuch as I'd miss you,the fact that you're bound for Toronto will mean that ...(whatever I say won't count)

Daryl and Jeremy: allegedly in NUS.I can't confirm with them.
Cleavon: SMU.unconfirmed

Soldier X: ? under heavy artillery fire

Friday, June 22, 2007

Dolce Vita

things never meant to be that boring nowadays,just that there are no more things to say about. quite a nightmare to think about the vast killing fields that come next.

can your fate be decided on a few papers alone?yes and no. eventually we have to go through judgment day,and as everything flashs back while you're terminated,would you want to go off well?

well I certainly hope so.I'll be back

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Last Stand

I think I might be gone by then.but it's time to kill.there's nothing to lose,but one wrong move,there's nothing to gain either

to the death!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I'm so in love with the Pet Shop Boys. sounds so retro and futuristic at the same time...mann I can't wait to buy their greatest hits

Whatever the case EMERGE has been a rocking 4 days full of fresh revelations,helluva lotta fun and God as always made a rocking day even more rocking in His own house for all of CHC

Day 1: POS! morning was the normal conference session. when night falls,though,it's VERY different. though the JC cluster didn't win the top prize,it's kinda great to shine on the hallowed stage. Halleujah! too bad the guys have to watch the service and STRIKEFORCE via but not enough. especially when broadcasted overseas

Day 2: got remedial,so only evening. the only time SIM/SMU climbed over the JC guys. and I was lucky to sit with Wayne even if I made it at 6.55-normally ushers would start carving up tribal territory

Day 3: come 1h before EMERGE to line up for seats.this is not a joke. I came only 30 mins before the session starts,and I basically can forget about any seats,but I was lucky yet again.there's a very long queue and I nearly got marooned in the back entrance.good grief!

Day 4: THE END. well,if it is,then it is a good one. towards the end,the first time I stayed 6h in the same hall,and apparently the JC guys were kept on tenterhooks before they got a third straight cluster trophy(by virtue of bronze medals!) camera whoring awaits

that's just a few of the revelations. I shall tell you more when I remember.meanwhile,peace out!

P.S: video quality may be a little bit off.and don't count on FBI technology to identify anyone out there since you can't make out the faces

Friday, May 18, 2007


my fren just managed to burn the Borat movie into a vcd form. which means my birthday present,though 2 weeks late,is still a present. life's been fine, except for the fact that my frens in AJ were talking about the black wednesday 2 days back where we just lost everything. sad

equally odd is that there are a few rude shocks this year in the A division. VJC and SAJC,oddly missed out on the soccer finals. RJC (shock) and MJC (ok lor) won on penalties...which means that many were commenting how funny the final would look like. it capped off a miserable year for VJ,where their netballers crashed out of the first round as favourites for second,boys hockey agonisingly sent out on penalty flicks and their boys,normally functioning, couldn't get out of the group of death.

that means the DSA is turning into a territory cutting exercise. what's with RJC and HCI playing out their fantasies of winning their track and field championships at the expense of the rest; the painful battle of ACSI,ACJC,SAJC and RJC snatching rugby balls like kids;(AJC,NYJC and TJC) and MJC having their eggs forced into one basket with respect to volleyball and soccer, and VJC trying their best to live out their's a crazy world

Sunday, May 06, 2007

circle in the sand

what a birthday it was.didn't wake up to expect a mayday shock.but what's over is over and there must be more drama.I'm promised a borat dvd next week by a few of my buddies and I got my favourite breadtalk blackforest cake on that day as a surprise.

from another gang of my buddies things back at AJ have been a little jittery when you have soccer looking as if they were in the scrap heap with 5 straight losses.I feel sad and the other guys back at camp would. and except for our volleyball guys the rest get dirty jobs in second rounds,much less the tragic combo of AC+RJ(hockey boys) and HC+RJ (netball).

haha blessed are those who bought Sun's new CD yesterday,because they happily got to see their idol.not Puff who thought Sunday got...but there's a catch.they probably are sulking at the airport,trying to get past the barricade of minders

Monday, April 30, 2007

sad-happy slap in the face

cheers to Vas and Pris,aka Dance Floor winners.I mean,I haven't been interested in talent shows until recently when I readily liked the dancing least my 1 call per week vote didn't get wasted as they wowed the house.too bad I couldn't watch the second part because I was evicted from the TV,damm! basically I've a list of the 20 most promising youngsters below 20,but I shan't say who is which YET. but one thing's for sure,Jas Ser the shooter is one of them if the current AJCians knew more. I heard there was an exclusive interview,so I'm looking forward to a smuggled copy

what's with happy slapping nowadays.maybe kids nowadays weren't literally drowned(in get my point),but are drowned in a welter of schoolwork and crazy expectations that just got higher and higher like a rising's sad to hear of people my cousin's age +/- 2 years drowning in the sea,the canal,whatever.when they could have been made for better things,but even more sad when they can't be liberated from the nightmare of being slapped in the name of happy slapping,whacked in the name of protection...and well...the list goes on and on.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


for quite a while I have a massive scare of losing my wallet with so much at stake.haiz for all of 3h I felt scared that I've to lose my money,but luckily I found it at last.

(The following post DOES NOT reflect the views of the owner of this blog)

A disclaimer: The Writer is ready to defend His ideals.Unlike a bunch of ragtags whose main aim is to sabotage

Maybe the only way to explain why some angry AJCians(I suppose) are forced to rant in their blogs under the anonymous cover of the anonymous blogger about the sad state of affairs is to see who's at fault.both seems to be at fault here.but what can be helped?if you take away this last right wing bastion,as the current regime thinks,it'd be one hell of a disaster.disaster?come on,don't stay as if it were the 90s (or even the 80s) where subservience is king and any kind of speech is anathema. but if students are allowed to have a large say,the rules seems to be bent and ambiguity sets in

the conservatism and apparent bias that is evident in the state of affairs in AJC IS stifling the population as a whole.while the policies have been effective in the 90s where getting the necessary results are concerned,and it's encouraging,there seems to be a mentality where if it ain't broke,don't fix it,and if it ain't even profitable anytime,don't bother.that includes update.the sad fall of grace of the track team from top 5 to the hard surface of the asphalt,sadly was a neglect of the current regime.having convinced that the DSA will mean that less talents are available,they set a Soviet style quota system.quoting from an insider the school expects these people to win when trained from J1 even when training is a long term thing and it's DSA where it helps.while it is good that better allocation of resources are achieved,VERY little support were given to non niche CCAs which brings us to the next point:

rules should be followed.fine.I've no objections about that.there are some norms to be followed.ok.granted there are good rules,BUT the needlessly excessive and pharisee-style enforcement of the rules turns many people off's important to know how to present yourself.fine.but to even go into the smallest details,far from helping matters,breed resentment as many just learn how to survive by looking 'smart' for checking and then reverting to their usual 'sloppy' selves.tucking in,no doubt is ok,but excessively doing it even with PE attire,and constant nagging of girls skirts lengths,whcih to them nothing is ever too long enough,manages to breed only resentment

(back to my normal self)

POS-Parade of Schools.cheerleading meets christ.they must have had lotsa energy.fancy training from 6-10 excluding a few stargglers who started filtering out from 2046 onwards.first timer goes find out and had a few problems with tense muscles.from one of the most stressful colleges out there please consider the implications.stunts should not be attempted by noobs,which is a long while before they will allow the whole team to work with the music

Saturday, April 21, 2007

sick shit

the final solution for desperados is always take up arms and've a recipe for disaster when you can buy guns as if you buy beer and ammo as if it were lollipop.but thanks to the americans they talk alot and still nothing happens.just like the kyoto protocol.and even the most inconvenient truths fail to shake the take away the petrol guzzling abilities of their chevys and chryslers,and it reminds them of wartime take away their guns and they were pleading because they thought osama bin laden would have his kakis hide behind bush and take down every american they can find in the us and a.and one more excuse means that they kinda look like duffers when it comes to domestic and foreign policy.

that makes singapore so nice

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

AJ Tifo-what it looks like if the Councillors made it happen

AJ are really crazy

AJ Classy Tifo

AJ Blank Tifo

Stupid little tifo by some AJ Ultra who I shall not name.Guess what will the Council think?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Boys to Men to Boys

it's a long circle before boys turn to men before they turn back to boys.funny huh,but I'd think that in JC they kinda end up being fossilized by all the schoolwork.depending on your perspective the uniform is a symbol of pride or oppression,and the Poly students the freetown gang,although I might like to point out that their growing-up is forcibly accelerated.I might say that JC boys are more likely to spiral back to their boys days because (especially this generation) they seem to be over-protected until they lost all their hunting instincts.a greenhouse I must add.maybe that's why they are chronically cynical complainers with a dwindling porpotion of people who are willing to do anything.

If blogs are anything to go by,I suspect there's a resignedness to life that makes stories all the more sordid,their emptiedness makes it all the more eerie that was downed by DOTA.which is to say it's the new alcohol,just as pawn is the new h*roin.and that resignedness is still the same.

Insolent kids,I don't know how the generation after dragon year will ever percieve army to be.will it be slack,will it be too tough?maybe not.whatever the case they still complain and still give some excuse it's feedback.can't they see that complaining takes you nowhere and being numb is the only way to tide through and still get the same them,NS=Nasty Service and that they wished they're back to their boy-days of antics and stuff

which is why football hooligans never die.because their boyhood that was suppressed long ago is back,and nasty as ever

and maybe that's why cutting or raising ministers' wages is still drearily debated,just because whatever the government does,it's going to sway like a coconut tree until it stays the same and nobody moves.

Anyway nothing beats an afternoon enjoying a glass of chardonnay with a whole fish to takes all of 15 minutes before a simply steamed fish and wine becomes heavenly tea-time(though that would be missing the point)

Saturday, April 07, 2007


terrific 'long weekend' at stake. Have a good friday

Friday: Q: How do you know when there's a packed Expo? A: When City Harvest comes
Political joke? Maybe not. Kinda have a great day for Friday,not that the cell cancelled the lunch last minute and no one called, but i'm happy in Heaven. Among all firsts,going up on to stage to stick light sticks is hardly an idea/excuse to go up to the hallowed stage. I didn't realise there were 3 AJ ushers from 3 generations,and maybe we'll have the next generation.Easter rocks so much,they must have packed like sardines and still no one complains

Saturday: dinner is superb.just don't mention I drank sherry and Italian red that was a ill-fitting partner for the intense beef,especially French aped black pepper sauces. If they would have allowed riesling then it'd be better,but I'd have to choose the lesser of 2 evils

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Double Header

Extracted from the art pages review of a Synapse Reporter

This is not a joke. The editor had to rush to 2 locations within the span of 5 hours for 2 concerts happening back to back. just to chase both AJC's and ACJC's concert. and to top off the insult,it's april fools on that day.wonder why he didn't hit the speed limit here. nonetheless,enjoying 5 hours straight of music is a very nice experience. vertical tasting notes down here

Since the next day isn't a holiday, AJ decided to hold their concert on a midsummer evening.5.30pm(pretty unusual time to start) in the historic VCH. slightly confused musical arrangement aside,there's a coherent flow of good music. maybe/or because of their less lofty expectations,it's a more relaxing type of concert. not the heavy going stuff so beloved of aperitif perhaps

back at the Esplanade, the renowned ACJC band concert suffered from a few minor technical glitches,as well as a behind the scenes episode of a (nearly) falling sleigh bell.
but this being the 30th anniversary of the band,it's one helluva production,with glamorous operettas,classics and more showmanship(with the organ on top dutifully producing some deep notes for Turandot)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Trying Times

Should I say that there isn't any thing much to say on my part?maybe the fact that I've been doing sudoku took my mind off a lot of be honest,this is not what I'd describe as a bit of a nonsensical idea,but maybe it's how you define perfectedness

I bet those naysayers are back at it again when her album comes out,with more juicy 'fodder' to feed the legions of tabloids and their cynical readers.maybe not,but something to note that in our process of trying to be perf,we tend to magnify whatever flaws and whatever i-doubt-you-should-say-it. to those cynics,who cares if people from other places are able to take heart of her experience in moving out of the darkness.pardon me for being pharisical,but do we necessarily end up being sucked deeper into the vortex/black hole.that's why we've got 251 and Singapore's most notorious citizen,and the system just f***in ends up being pharisical again


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I wished I didn't have to get myself into such a mess.I wish I did.but now that the damage's done,I think I would need to get myself tags tell part of the mess I did,but it's nothing compared to the fact that I just simply lost least someone cares for her,so I shan't dwell too much unless I'm RIPping

maybe not

Having to go through a emotional roller coaster is bad enough.not knowing whether she's got someone or she's just trying to escape from the fact that someone liked her but fatally had little by-way of showing his feelings or emotions.confused at whether she liked him but was too shy to speak out(for whatever reason) or whether she dont because (a: someone else came first or b: she didn't like him and somehow got confused)

Disturbingly,he got tormented because he wasn't sure if he should really continue or he should just give up. conflicting messages go haywire in his head and he just goes ____...well get the story

maybe not

Saturday, March 17, 2007


The Chairs must have had enough of South Africa when they wanted one vote of non confidence too many,when they messed up palestine and somalia and disputed 5 times for an ECOSOC world fund resolution before they had a special one,all because someone changed the terms such that it controversially evaded the topic.sick shit.last resolution wasn't even bothered except for voting as I wrote with the team and my new UK crony a fake resolution that was supposed to be debated but was passed without vote.

all that remains is for tomorrow,which many people are looking forward to

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rodong Simun-a parody of North Korean propaganda

Arseholes has 'conquered all the devils of the imperialistics' at the SIMUN at the French School this afternoon. With the help of fellow 'gringo bashers' Venezuela and Cuba and other cronies they have succeeded in making the Canadians and Belgians look like Jackasses when they were caught dead supporting a resolution.and best of all the p5(Russia excluded as a super crony) were silent.hahaha

fake one la.update l8r.more business to do

whatever that is,Monday rocks,with a 4s3 outing that was supposed to involve most of them but just ended up with dinner and sentosa for 10

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Interestingly I managed to be able to stay sane after yesterday. as it turned out Val didn't get what I mean when I told her about the butchery at Parkway what happened was that they came late.luckily it wasn't east coast or something although the dog whom the 2 were playing with might need to be though dsome manners Borat style

it's pretty much fun when the 2 guys get cooking and the rest crapping about their NUS/NTU escapades.and bring the wine out too,although the 2002 Shiraz seems abit alcoholic due to its awful temperature at room temp.maybe that caused the blunder of the year,when everyone laughed when I get dipped into the koi pond instead,leading Val to remark that the fishes are afraid of me when they congregate in one side...aaaaahhhh.but coup is that they were overwhelmed by the bratwurst which none(i think) have ever tried this juicy

that's it...I can't wait for emerge 2007,although I think I might be considering POS,a trouble since I can lead cheers(Euro style with adrenaline and alcohol fueled delirium and vulgarity spewing chants) but not cheer lead(the American suits and crazy jumps)

I've never seen a pastor candidly talk about sex and the impact on culture,but I think I seemed suitably enlightened by Sy Rogers and his really hilarious way of putting the message through. Maybe that might draw flak from conservatives,but I think the way to salvation doesn't just mean believing,but also having faith in Him to deliver me from bondage.just yesterday I was slightly bored during cell and I thought that maybe the world would have been for His glory had He not (to some conservatives) 'condoned' such ridiculous games as online rape games. while I thought that was sick,maybe it really showed how God might actually be useful in the marketplace,that even the darkest gardens and corners in the world,of which the world have forsaken will see the light at the end of the tunnel,and of righteousness and truth instead

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm only human

Hey guys,it's St Pats day and I think I might guinea pig the BN people with guinness for their BBQ this sat,but I can't find Murphy's or Beamish's.I forgot all about the Murphy's at duty free last time out and the Beamish is quite hard to find.

What's over is OVER,I suppose
What's the big deal about AAAA A1 (DD M) when in fact only 2 of the S papers and 3 of the As will do for PSC,Presiden't Scholar,blahblahblah

That's what I think about SOME RJC students. Sure,I've friends there,and otherwise I'm proud of their achievements as a friend.But being paranoid about that isn't a solution
I know,67 failing GP in AJ isn't a glam thing,but at least in AJ there's still a semblance of humanity Just like his stories,it's all a dream.but it does sober us up to what we stand as humans nowadays. up to a point,after I hear too much of AAAAs,I suddenly think about the all-too-perfect surroundings of Super-Cannes...and I don't know if Rj was another Super-Cannes,except that you take out some of those stuff you see in the novel.

From this threshold,I suddenly think that the A levels have lost quite a large amount of its prestige. the old uncles at Cambridge and the old fashions duds at the MOE would be blase,but it just shows how badly this system is you've RJ ppl breezing through, and AJ having a 'rich poor gap'. either way it's like you threaten to kill a golden goose which may be impotent after laying so many golden eggs

suddenly thought of a very apt song to describe my mood.just one thing,most of my peers would find my music selection ridiculous

Friday, March 02, 2007

rare updates

Updates have become increasingly rarer as times have not went past smoothly.don't bother with asking me anything,because life is tough.not to say getting assaulted on many fronts.

that means nothing much except another lovely BN bbq on sunday and memories of being with 18 instead of 35 at pastamania

Thursday, February 22, 2007

finally back

time is really tight here...lolz

I'm finally back.except for the not so advanced(but still very sophisticated) entertainment system on the plane,it's been a smooth ride,fueled by 4 different alcohols,a nice dinner and 3 the age where being cheapskate and cutting all kinds of perks seems the norm(especially the Americans,who are as good as paranoid) since they run on costs only,SIA still seems mercifully trapped in the old days where air travel is a nice experience to I drank my riesling),ceramic/porcelain(somethings have to be heatproof) and metal utensils remind me of the bygone days before the Americans cooked up all sorts of excuses about these being expensively cheap terrorist weapons

I love the riesling with the apricot chicken(don't be fooled.there's no apricots),had singapore sling(that looked and tasted like a fruit punch had the smell of the gin not gave it away) and tasted a French chardonnay as I touched down.all these crowned by a Jim Beam Black label on (excessive) rocks which's a in-your-face 8YO bourbon(was mooting the syrah,johnnie walker red and a few more had I not remembered to enjoy responsibly).last 3 were tasted with me monopolising a whole row as-thankfully-the plane wasn't full house

back at Sapporo it's a frenzied trip to buy 10 boxes of Royce chocolates(all with expiry dates similar to cartons of milk).I think i might have to bring some to enjoy with the others.the hotel which I was at,going online was actually at the centre of the city,except it was backing towards the redlight district!decided against eating sushi since I think I look like a tramp at the upmarket looking shops.and keep off the place upstairs

hahaha I think i forgot to buy fox,bear and salmon back home,but no matter....I've a lot of shit to deal with now

Monday, February 19, 2007

5 days at sapporo

Sapporo has been a rocking good city.after Tokyo and Osaka--brilliant I must say,except for a few quirky stuff

Friday: from Chitose/Sapporo it's a long drawn ride to some funny place called Tokachigawa where there's lots of onsen(hot springs) and many a chance to experience traditional Japanese living/hospitality.I wont go into the details here but it's a refreshing way to end a day which includes a crazy 5 hour plus ride to the hotel.nothing much to see actually,so well.but thats when the rest of us are celebrating CNY in school

Saturday: Lake Akan. appropriately a reserve,just like what you do in Canada but way more sophisticated.they got fireworks in one of the big carnivals where there are lots of snow sculptures. Bro got his shoes ripped off,so I enjoyed sushi at a shop in Kushiro while he was rushing to buy shoes,in time for the romantic train ride to some other place.a quaint coal fired train that emits a lot of smoke to the dismay of environmentalists

Sunday* happy new year! too bad contraband lifesize handcuffs are banned in Singapore,so I wasted money at the ice observatory.would have liked a jackass-esque present for the rest. basically another hot spring awaits. this time another ice sculpture exhibition,with snow(at long last)

Today: another wicked trip to sapporo with a detour at Otaru. now that I'm ensconced in the hotel I'm enjoying the chocolates tonight

will update when I return since I'm paying 100¥ per 10 minutes

Friday, February 16, 2007

Osaka to Sapporo

its a little bit more time before i get on the next domestic flight to Sapporo and the confusing keyboard is killing me.flight on SIA is quite nice btw,and I can look forward to resting on the domestic flight though the movie marathon of the departed was cut halfway through the second half after i finished the VSOP

nice day folks I think I`ll leave everyone with seasons greetings before the gates for the next plane starts opening and I spare myself the misery of the really confusing keyboard

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sayonara Singapore, Hello Japan

My bank balance is finely poised at $50plus.This is what happens after valentine's day when guys spend and pamper their girls(or friends) and the girl just smiles or blushes.the worst thing is that with chinese new year 3 days from now,I'm in trouble. At least I did get a beautiful enough gift in the form of Noble One 2004. whether she likes it is another matter,but on hindsight when I went to buy my Vintage Valrhona bars at Taka later on,I suddenly thought of a Sauternes Permier Cru at Oaks and then I saw the price tag which was $1XX.My presents total $93 and I was glad I got the right stuff-I don't think she acquired a taste for French wines yet

(i actually told Pooh tt i wanted to top up $8 to $99,when in fact i got my maths wrong and she juz laughed when i told her i'm broke-haha girls don't expect guys to spend alot,even though guys almost universally flout this rule,either lying to their girls about how much it costs,or just spend alot and make it obviously blatant)

OMG i'm stuck at which Valrhona bars to bring on the plane.they not only are very ex-I haven't tried alot of them before.was mooting a tasting of:
vintage 2006 bars from:
Trinidad(Grand Couva)
Madagascar(Ampamakia) ,
Porcelana de Venezuela(not available in Singapore)
those are Premier Grands Crus of 64% at $13 for 75g(don't say I didn't warn you.but you get great chocolate from a single site-talk about having winemakers as your nieghbours)

and a selection of non-vintage cuvees,called Grands Crus:
Abinao(Africa blend 85%)
Araguani(72% from Venezuela.I think that's the name,but I think i might only remember the pruple hint in the black packaging)
Guanaja(South American assemblage 70%)
Caraibe (what else?the Carribbean.the nut part though is a problem 64%)
Manjari (Madagascar.forget about the orange peel 64%)
Jivara (39%.South American.a milk chocolate with malt,not quite what i was thinking)
$8 a bar.not so bad but still a guilty experience(once shared a Guanaja with a fren while watching Charlie and the Chocolate and still remains a favourite had it not been for the fact that Paragon doesn't have them anymore :( )

Those bars made in Lyon(my mistake it's Hermitage.where you get those special wines) are the ultimate chocolates that I'd eat,second to the Prestats and the Bernachons and the Amedeis(the former was for Pooh and the latter means having to mail order from Lyon(again) like mad.As for the last one,I'm still figuring out on how to mail order from Italy)

Flying off bank balance might tide me through-just.I've a job lot of stuff to buy,not to mention that Royce in Singapore actually costs slightly cheaper than in Japan.that's the paradox of economics.same with the Budget this afternoon.They must have been starting to scratch their heads on how to decrease the rich-poor gap and still foster economic growth,now that the big GST is rising yet again.but yet again they have lots of tricks up their sleeves and don't be surprised if they suddenly decide to raise CPF contributions

Another irony. Since today is total defence day we remember the Japanese occupation 65 years ago during the Chinese New Year period and their atrocities.apparently though,it's us who's doing the conquest of Japan this time-with the help of more travellers.this time though we are boosting everyone's coffers

haha enjoy my trip la.,..don't talk too much

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Without Warning

Without Warning.that's how crap the title is, interspersed with somewhat funny scenes once in a while.but it was a sobering message behind that,complete with IRA-esque bus bomb.I don't recommend watching it actually,but it's good for some good old National Education/Total Defence stuff

Without warning too...I find myself listening to George Benson's Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You.and a whole gamut of 1980s retro love songs too.The ultimate crowning glory is Class 95.I suddenly found myself ditching 987 for the past few months(Jamie's departure didn't help) for Love Songs.I probably won't expect Carrie to read my dedications but I can count on the Class 95 DJ to get a very soothing love song to sleep away. My new top 10 pastime is now slumping on the bed and listening to Love Songs.especially on sentimental or lonely days...I don't know,it just sucks some of the loneliness out

Of course the next day is Valentine's Day and I finished ordering my rose,and maybe the chocolates. Sometimes it's extremely difficult to keep a long distance/online date. especially when you get to see your fren once in a blue moon. It just sounds a bit scary,but I feel this thing needs a very very long time to develop.It's always a case of unrequited love,especially for the guy.I think I might have to stop before I teeter further to the brink of collapse.Maybe for this while I'm glad for NS. Alright that's what many are thinking. But I think that's one side of the coin,if the other one was shying away from love. It feels like your heart is pounding and still you can't seem to do anything. You might look tough,but maybe it only tells part of the story

Alright gtg bye

Saturday, February 10, 2007

wad can i do 2 make u luv mi...

"I haven't slept at all in days...It's been so long since we have talked...And I have been here many times...I just don't know what i'm doing wrong"

oh well...I think i've an idea of what my valentine's day present for her is now...godiva,rose and something else.had mooted the idea of gold coins(too ex),swarovski crystals(i try not to send similar presents in the space of 2 mths) and gilded orchids...this is what happens when a guy tries to dote on a girl but the girl either says it's too cheapo(economist economics) or superficial (sumptuous splurging)

then there's the added risk of her saying she's not free again,making sure that whatever plans you make are thrown into's quite easy for a guy to like a girl and do anything to please her.but it's a gamble anyway...the girl,most of the time won't initially like the guy.that's the most difficult thing now

"What can I do to make you love me...What can I do to make you care...What can I say to make you feel this...What can I do to get you there"

(Italics are song lyrics from The Corrs)

Haha just now there was this dialogue session with the MND.good insightful topics but i suddenly just felt weird with the adults there...that's why I left 30 mins early for Vivocity,where they've got the Lions back.To get their autographs you will need to be risking getting taupok-ed by fans who wants autographs and they follow their heroes into Nike store.Basically vivocity Cold Storage rocks big time.I even managed to 'rip off' $8 out of the 2 exotic English imports by telling mum it was $5.xx per bottle.It's $8.35-$9.95 for a 500ml bottle,good for 2 people,so I bought the Old Peculier(in case you're wondering,there's no spelling error) and the Bishop's Finger(which comes in a clear glass bottle).

Blogging and leaving in record time.toodles!-I need to pack my luggage tomorrow and still get a pretense to go on tuesday

Friday, February 09, 2007


flush with what? chinese new year! it's the red time again. everything new and tidy...but I don't seem to get the mood yet...perhaps it's all about worrying who to send valentine's presents to. anything cheap or trivial and the guy loses his girl.anything expensive and significant,and he's gambling with his gold...argh!

now cupid showed with a survey and asks me about this...

FOURTEEN:YOU WALK REALLY SLOW WHEN YOU'RE WITH THEM(ambiguous status at the moment,no comment)
THIRTEEN:YOU FEEL SHY WHENEVER YOU'RE/THEY'RE AROUND.( first real meeting with her was...)
TEN:YOU SMILE WHEN YOU HEAR THEIR VOICE.(voice?yeah...but when they reply my sms or IM then it's...)
SEVEN:THEY'RE ALL YOU THINK ABOUT.(basically yes.addicted maybe)
SIX:YOU LOVE THERE HUGES & KISSES MORE THAN ANYTHING.(she hasn't hugged or kissed me yet,but one day it might,so watch this space)
TWO:You were so busy thinking about that person,you didnt notice number twelve.(?I'm a commando?)
ONE:You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.(LOL ;) )

OMG.I juz wanna meet the Lions again...Die hard lion at work

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Un Dia Normal (A Normal Day)

I suddenly have the urge to buy some Spanish language tracks.Since it's just such a normal day with the sun,I thought I might just think of something meaningful as Valentine Day looms near.Especially Juanes. some of his titles are just so...nice.

Volverte a Ver (To see you again)

Daría lo que fuera por volverte a ver
Daría hasta mi vida y mi fusil, mis botas y mi fe
Por eso en la trinchera de mi soledad
Tus ojos son mi luz y tu esplendor mi corazón

Y si no fuera por ti yo no podría vivir
En el vacío de estos días de no saber
Y si no fuera por ti yo no sería feliz
Como lo soy cuando con tus besos me veo partir
Y es que solo con saber que al regresar
Tu esperarás por mí
Aumentan los latidos de mi corazón
Volverte a ver es todo lo que quiero hacer
Volverte a ver para poderme reponer
Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raíz
Ni una razón para vivir
lo único que quiero es poder regresar

Poder todas las balas esquivar y sobrevivir
Tu amor es mi esperanza y tú mi munición
Por eso regresar a ti es mi única misión


Eres todo lo que tengo
Y no me quiero morir
sin poder otra vez
Volverte a ver

Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raíz

Volverte a ver es todo lo que quiero hacer
Volverte a ver para poderme reponer

Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raíz
Ni una razón para vivir

(en Ingles)

I would give anything to see you again
I would even give my life and my rifle, my boots and my faith
That is why in the trench of my solitude
your eyes are my light and your splendor my heart

coro (chorus)
And if it weren't for you i wouldn't be able to live
in the emptiness of these days of not knowing
and if it weren't for you i wouldn't be happy
as i am when i see myself departure with your kisses
because only knowing that when i'll come back
you'll be waiting for me
increases my heart beats
To see you again is all i want to do
To see you again so i can recover
Because withouth you, my life, i'm not happy
Because without you my life has no root
and no reason to live.

The only thing i want to do is to be able to come back
To be able to avoid all the bullets and survive
your love is my hope and you my munition
that's why coming back to you is my only mission.


You are all that i have
and i don't want to die
without being able
to see you again

Because withouth you, my life, i'm not happy
Because without you my life has no root

To see you again is all i want to do
To see you again so i can recover

Because without you, my life, i'm not happy
Because without you my life has no root
and no reason to live.

Last time I ran 2.4km,it was nearly human impossible for me not to stop and walk at least 100m when it mattered that it's 13 and a 1/2 minutes before I get into trouble.I reckoned that this time round 12 and 1/4 mins was a small achievement.And best of all I didn't have quite a bit of stitch though I'm tired. pure motivation was the eventual NAPFA silver but I'd never know what a hunk I can aspire to be if I don't. Sounds stupid I must say not to start hitting the gym eventually.I want my 6 packs if Mr Gary comes out of the Commando Camp with his own 6 packs as well...and that means...?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Singapore 2 Rock

Singapore rocks after winning the Asean crown after a brilliant shot by Khairul Amri whose cracking slammer floats past a pair of Thai defenders into goal!Well there ain't any stupid nasty incidents and they just let football talk,which is always a good thing.

I'm not quite into watching Italian rugby,not when they were being pulverized yet again by the French on TV5 live...but that's better than nothing as the Flaminio is the only place where you don't have idiots doing ridiculous stuff such as 'fans' lobbing a bomb into the police car (Catania),fixing matches and get a few of your title rivals in the act (Juve,Milan,Lazio,Fiorentina and Reggina) or having enough ultras throw flares and coins targeting the ref to award walkovers (Inter and Roma).Even the motorcycle throwing antics of Inter Milan seem a trifle compared to getting the police killed.that's asking for trouble

What's the use of SPA when you've some idiots cocking up their experiments all of a sudden after a smooth test run

Friday, February 02, 2007


Rama was beaten by a photo finish...and bubble gum trounced Ariana to spoof us in the race... I was lucky I didn't start Josef Poolz or I'd have had been slammed home with mounted debts

Happy to see Ci,Sweaty and Yangz back at the track,as well as Sab and Cinder,now teachers and bank admin assistants,and that Gary the commando may be back out to catch poor me.That's a double motivation since I was thinking about just how incapable some people are nowadays.fat commando?yeah still doable.But it'd be impossible to imagine a commando with very little mental strength.SAF might promote the SAF as a noble profession,but just how they can do with a bunch of mollycoddled jackasses is another story altogether. If even Feline can be tougher than some guys,she might be awarded the Order of L*n*n instead while those lazybums should be sent to the g*l*gs to reflect(above doesn't mean that the dark days of Soviet Union should be revived)

Another thing...and I might as well say I'm so tired

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Crazy Hell in Kallang

Hell yeah this is one hell of a match...and with Kallang going to be torn down it's a monster end to the 30 years and the fading granite of the stadium.I missed the first 10 minutes as I did against Indonesia,but as far as I'm concerned I barely settled down when Noh Alam Shah scores.that was lucky,but they made the mistake of closing up shop and then they have a defensive loophole which pegged them back.ideal for the Thais...until...

What started out as an exciting final turned nasty when those Thais walked out of the pitch after they got a controversial penalty. What happened was that there was a fair and square battle for the ball and guess what? The ref suspected that the Thais was fouling Noh Alam Shah when the TV(on every other household) showed otherwise. They were crowding the ref and the next thing you see is the players trooping out of the pitch one by one.It's very ridiculous you know...right in front of 54000 booing Singaporeans wasting 15 minutes of their time,while the grandstand breaking into song makes things even more's so English...hehe. you piss the Kallang Roar off and you get it.predictably though the Lions scored the penalty and that put an end to our worries...the Thais were booed everytime they touched the ball right after they conceded the penalty...much to the delight of the Singaporeans who now look forward to the TV broadcast of the match on Sunday

oh's the Great Human Thoroughbred Race tomorrow...lolz

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Curva Nord

Tribune Ouest--Lions Supporters

There's only ONE KALLANG ROAR.I think I might as well just forget the $10 I bet and get down to planning for the next match against Thailand on wednesday.yesterday night was a real night to remember,especially for the new generation of Singapore fans.And I might also forget the fact that our goalie spilled one,because the Malaysians were back to their same old score and then freeze.and I think they regretted subbing in someone so late until that guy ended up missing that penalty that sent us through...hahahaha.I was seating at the grandstand near the VIPs and the roar was palpable.Since I missed the Indonesia match 3 years ago,I really can't miss this one

Curva Sud Fossa dei Leoni

Lots of people got turned away because the tickets had already been sold out by 3pm and there were so few Malaysians they soon found their red carpet cordon encroached by Singaporeans left,right and centre(above).at least it had some semblance of Italy with funny banners like Ultras and Forza at the curva nord and sud respectively...mann that's one hell of a match,although they were dillydallying which is a big no-no against Thailand unless you're sure they won't cock up if Aide was's one freaking hell of a match i think.the only people who seem hard to win over are the teenage girls whose allegiances are more towards SHE who's having their concert nearby at the Indoor Stadium.

I hope to hear the Kallang Roar again,as loud as the time where Ridhuan scored the equaliser and surely more than the delirium after the unfortunate Malaysian got his effort blocked by Lion Lewis.Forza Leoni!

Kallang Roar-One Last Roar against Thailand

Friday, January 26, 2007

Cross Country? what cross country!?

What is cross country when it goes to Bishan Park?don't even bother calling it that.same with the shortlived turf club experiment for the nationals.just as Bishan park seems like Aintree,the old turf club is the Ascot.Only Macritchie sounds really cross country.anything else and it seems like a rerun of the Melbourne Cup.

oh well they finally bothered with some 0812 plans where some of our heroes will go full time.while sailors pose little problems,some people still can't shake off the Melvyn Tan saga when they hear that some of the sailors going for NS are getting temporary them it seems like going BMT is more important than anything,and I think I might agree on just one count...that they will eventually come back

the only prob is that our new cult hero is out of the list.the 10m air rifler has more cares to attend to,having been the single most well known person in AJ to grace the school in more than....years with a 925 Asiad medal to show,she's ineligible for full time training for olympics as a really stressful 9-2-5 job awaits(read:theorems and targets,ammo and ammonia,and whatever that suits your fancy)

it's time for the Kallang Roar,tomorrow that is.I'd like a full house although I might be a bit concerned if my VIP pass still can work if the VIP seats aren't full house.I just don't wanna miss a thing,not when it's the last time(I think) that I'd be going to a national stadium and enjoy VIP thing though,I don't know if I'm going for any support or not given I'm quite busy nowadays

alright it's getting boring nowadays,so I think i'll stop here..

Monday, January 22, 2007

Osaka and Otaru

Finally my family's going to Sapporo,where it's very cold and very romantic...but there's a catch...

this is what you dream about...a souped up B777 of your dreams

Unfortunately i only enjoy this if i was doing either of these
1)me and steady go to Paris for a romantic getaway
2)my (extended) family goes to HK disneyland
3)you and your chums go to Milan or Barcelona in style,WAGs shopping and guys booing those Interisti or Milanisti on 11/03...or maybe your chums want to watch a Champs League match anytime(don't sing YNWA to them)

Never mind...the normal one's still's how it looks

apparently I can't be bothered with seatguru so I'd just sneak out and smoke away at the window seat if i've got one for the 0115 flight...hahahaha can don't need to sleep liaoz.things to do on the plane:

1)1st 2h watch flag of our fathers.I missed that so I'll watch it on the plane.i just don't believe the gridiron gang won't be on for feb but apparently the cinemas are still showing the
2)next 1h.nintendo...whoosh super mario!
3)next 2h.learn French on the plane...hahahaha,maybe order alcohol...although i think it's a no-no
4)last 1h.fatigued,so maybe listen to more music.they have BSB and Ricky Martin,while eating breakfast that's pretty much costs $9-$12 on the ground
5)sleep on the domestic flight.

oh yes 3 weeks left so I don't know if i miss my frens or not,so here's something to ponder about what to order when on the plane

Taken from some airliner review site:
Wine, beer, spirits and cocktails, are all free. All wine is poured for you from large bottles kept on the trolley. All beer is opened before you get it, and all cocktails are mixed in the galley and brought to you complete at your seat. Cabin crew on SQ are quite insistant on this rule, and will not serve closed cans.

But yes, I did say cocktails - even economy gets a small list to choose from. In business you'll get a separate wine and cocktail list, and you can have endless delights with the selection, and you'll find many many ex-pats on the flights regularly sampling them. The drink trolley however just has one red & white, plus champers, so any special orders (like, a selection) have to come from the galley.
Raffles drinks service in Business

In economy the drinks and cocktails list is in the menu you get at the start of the flight. The drinks trolley is always loaded up with just one bottle of white and red - however the menu will always list one red and two whites, but will list them as by locality, not type. This unusual ommission can be rectified by asking the crew, however if you do this, and ask for the "wine that isn't on the trolley" then you'll probably have a long wait for a glass of the stuff.

The airline spends about £15 per passenger for food and beverages in economy, £30 in business class and £40 in first class. This is at least 10% higher than industry averages, to make passengers feel happier - its worth asking the cabin crew which wine they recomend, as most are trained to spot a good one.

Drink trolleys freely circulate even the economy cabin during the first few hours of the flight, but if you aren't in the isle seats, getting the trolley to stop can be a different matter. However Singapore is one of the few airlines where the cabin crew don't mind if you press the crew call button.
Hardy's Chardonnay

Economy drinks on Singapore Airlines
There is normally a choice of two white wines, and one red. The white wines are commonly listed by country, not by type (eg: German white, or French white). It pays to ask the crew what the selection and the grape variety is, and insist that they open a bottle of what you want, not the generic stuff that is on the trolley.
French Red

White - Hardy's Colombard Chardonnay
Little can be said about this. Its pleasant, easily quaffable, and makes the 35,000 feet wizz by. 12.5%.

Red - French Chateaux Nurf
Dry, almost bitter, with little in the way of initial taste. The after-taste will make your eyes water. 10.5%.

Economy Cocktails
Gin Fizz
Really just a gin and tonic, but with added lemon juice, this is a good refreshing one to start the journey with.

A bad choice - the crew make it very strong and you'll soon loose consciousness.
Bloody Mary Mix as it comes in the can

Bloody Mary
"Singapore Airline's Bloody Mary mix has been famous since the 70s. Its one all the regulars ask for."
Kirtley - A Singapore Veteran

The Bloody Mary mix comes in a small tin, and the vodka is added by the crew. I love this. It's one of my favourites on the plane.

Just a normal Manhattan, but in a plastic glass with a swizzle stick.

Singapore Sling
Gin, benedictine, cointreau, brandy, grenadine, lime and pineapple... it is just like the Business Class version, except it comes... in a bottle! This is now loaded as standed on the economy trolley.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Barest Minimum

Finally a Singapore-malaysia causeway derby is on the card for the ASEAN semis.but we qualified in one of the least fashionable ways possible even though we got a crazy always the thick of the action is right after the 10 minutes has passed.I just settled into the VIP seat before they were cheering away because Noh Alam Shah scored from the spot.Ridiculously Singapore then slacked off,got pegged back twice,held firm even with mad offside decisions and the controversial 12th Indonesian that the kayu ref forgot.In the end few felt sorry for the Indos as they were kicked out after Vietnam did their stuff

But I think the VIP box really rocks,although it seemed very 90s

that's why I was thinking...are we complacent enough to end up being pegged back when we're having advantage?that's what Raddy have to answer before the Malaysians get their bragging rights,and trust me,going to Thailand or Vietnam away is not a joke

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Singapore 11 Laos 0 and Noh Alam Shah 7.whammers.I was watching most of the second half and they whacked 7 goals...mann...this sounds very impossible.what's next is Indonesia who has a lot of stuff on their head and I'm considering whether to use my VIP box option or leave it till the final...although I hope I can use it in the end

(side dish)
kids these days(especially in Singapore) are very very fortunate these days.have we lost our bite?are we only buffoons who only know how to take whatever that is doles out with little sense of gratitude?that I don't know.the dragon babies at least knew what lay ahead with so many people demanding the best,so they sensibly bucked up,but the new generation's got anything and everything pandered for their demands.most of them have been spectators to one of the best shows ever seen,but to really step out and do it was a tall order for them.right the best thing they could do is actually complain.last time out students might not like their teachers but the best they can do is put a brave face and complain behind closed doors...or i mean blogs.but now they not only complain but openly expect the respective department to see to their needs as you would customer service officers. same was the case where a secondary school boy dropped out just because his VP used some strong language to criticise his somewhat unbecoming ways as a student and his mum even lept into his defence. oh my,...

right now I'm struck down with incessant sneezing that is really irritating.coupled with sniffles and bout after bout of ahchoos,it can ruin someone's day

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rain Down

Bedroom farce wasn't exactly a great bore.not if seeing friends are concerned.It's quite ridden with a bit of technical problems here and there from the start,but nice work given the relatively little experience they had with the intricacies of pro theater.the story though was quite abstract at first and I thought there were 3 or 4 stories running it turned out the old couple and the ones who quarreled were related,and the husbands are very much under manipulation by their wives,but it all turned out to be a story about love and stuff,all very abstract with a suspensive ending to top off...

omigosh after spending saturday slacking off,it's absolut delirious on sunday,topped off with a literally raining down of real rain...

Delirious-Rain Down

Looks like tonight, the sky is heavy
Feels like the winds are gonna change
Beneath my feet, the earth is ready
I know its time for heaven's rain
It's gonna rain

Cos it's living water we desire
To flood our hearts with holy fire

Rain down all around the world we're singing
Rain down can you here the earth is singing
Rain down my heart is dry but still I'm singing
Rain down rain it down on me.

Back to the start, my heart is heavy
Feels like it's time, to dream again
I see the clouds, and yes I'm ready
To dance upon this barren land
Hope in my hands


Do not shut, Do not shut, Do not shut the heavens
But open up, open up, open up our hearts
Give me strength to cross this water
Keep my heart upon your altar
Give me strength to cross this water
Keep my feet don't let me falter

Chorus's quite crazy when delirious comes to church to rock everyone down...hahahaha FOP in August will see more of such crazy stuff...end off with this solid hit..

Delirious-Solid Rock

There's a rock that doesn't move,It hasn't moved, it will never move,Even though the waves come crashing down.There's a tower on a hill, its always strong,It will never shake,It was standing there before the world began.There's a wave that's coming in,Washing over this town, it will make or break us, reinvent us,It's time to lay me down.

On Christ the solid rock we will stand,All other ground is sinking sand.On Christ the solid rock we will stand,We'll climb on your back, take us to higher ground.

There's a song that doesn't fade,It never fades it was custom made,To raise the sons and daughters of this earth.There's a sound that's coming in,Rushing over this town, it will make or break us, reinvent us; it's time to lay me down.


My hope is built on nothing less,Than Jesus blood and righteousness.I dare not trust the sweetest frame,But wholly lean on Jesus name.When darkness seems to veil his face,I rest on his unchanging grace.In every high and stormy gale,My anchor holds within the veil.His oath his covenant and blood,Support me in the 'helming flood.When all around my soul gives way,He then is all my hope and stay.When the last trumpets voice shall sound,O then I may in him be found,Clothed in his righteousness alone,Faultless to stand before his throne.(rap with a loudhailer)


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


everyone's working nowadays.everyday's like a bad day in the office,the share of ridiculous yellings,crazy deadlines,jackass jobs and all other jackshit.from the smallest kids in here who are nicely 100% employed in schools and introduced to the next rat race,to even some people trying their darndest best to

somehow everything stops in january.but not theatre...because i'm still looking for someone to watch a good theatre production with me...esp with a suggestive title like Bedroom Farce.but I wouldn't have watched any theatre if not for the fact that as a consumer i feel equally proud at doing my part to build a arty society to go with our economic growth. especially the underrated secret ingredient to a civilised society,and yeah so many people wanted to be in the rat race that they don't realise what's it's like to rate a rare theatre show.In fact the theatre scene seems to be slightly stagnant with a tried and tested cast of thespians of our dad's generation,and what our dads and mums(wait,not all.the cheenapiangs will say nope) only can understand.they are very good,no doubt,but not growing.with them growing old,we badly need a good bunchof new talent before it gets as stale as ...spare you the's the details...

Bedroom Farce(not a farce,but a fest showcasing the next generation of thespians)
DBS Arts Centre
12,13,14 Jan(all weekend),1930h
$20,$25,$30(no excuse for saying they eat money.why keep the money for yourself when you can do yourself a great favour karma wise)

oh well my chicken soup's cooking nicely and now back to watching more French gameshows i sorely missed

Saturday, January 06, 2007

boredom's quite a scene where guys don't get to see their old friends for a long time when they start NS.and what about guys when they found out they're dumped because they can't meet up anymore with their girls...oh yeah and girls dumping their guys because they never grow up...haha

the worst thing about every passing generation of J1s is that they hardly seem to grow up especially after the dragon years.i had enough of muddled snakehead OGLs who don't even bloody know who the heck is in their OG after so many years...luckily the horses are better i thought they prefer drinking fermented horse milk instead of playing with their OGLs

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year resolutions

regrettably the new year started on a funny note after I managed to give her the late xmas present 1 week on,at the turn of the year...and to top it all off she was very very tipsy and I ended up looking abit confused as I decided to cash in on my Scottish Leader blend and then disappear into the long and winding road post-countdown

that's why I just decided to post my new year's resolution,although they might be broken...oh well

1)greater concentration.I think I get distracted easily
2)spend less,either more or grand.I just managed to spend 100 plus on that heart keyring from swarovski that really said lots of stuff about her
3)resolve who i really love

Orientation CRapp

Hell by hook or by crook insiders got an info about the houses

replace a few letters in some cases

Cougaria(supposedly a corruption of Cougar)
Sloger(implies slogging)
Aztec(got meaning)
Concolor(try prounouncing councillor without teeth)
Asgodi(the next three are as good as windass crap)

Aruacan(are you a tribal leader?)

ferox xerox
Juboti...(forget the last few)
Raine(add a letter more)
Traka(crap again)

Tamoun(le Journal Afrique)
Aurada(sic another nonsense)

Peru(one of the few logical ones)

Jarvis(Hey Mr Jarvis)

Once I looked forward to orientation,but hearing now what sorta crap they always do there,and the elemental names that are so ridiculous that they just realli have no meaning at all for whatever reason they are formulated to make a mockery of their own cleverness...hahaha