Friday, February 02, 2007


Rama was beaten by a photo finish...and bubble gum trounced Ariana to spoof us in the race... I was lucky I didn't start Josef Poolz or I'd have had been slammed home with mounted debts

Happy to see Ci,Sweaty and Yangz back at the track,as well as Sab and Cinder,now teachers and bank admin assistants,and that Gary the commando may be back out to catch poor me.That's a double motivation since I was thinking about just how incapable some people are nowadays.fat commando?yeah still doable.But it'd be impossible to imagine a commando with very little mental strength.SAF might promote the SAF as a noble profession,but just how they can do with a bunch of mollycoddled jackasses is another story altogether. If even Feline can be tougher than some guys,she might be awarded the Order of L*n*n instead while those lazybums should be sent to the g*l*gs to reflect(above doesn't mean that the dark days of Soviet Union should be revived)

Another thing...and I might as well say I'm so tired

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