Friday, March 30, 2007

Trying Times

Should I say that there isn't any thing much to say on my part?maybe the fact that I've been doing sudoku took my mind off a lot of be honest,this is not what I'd describe as a bit of a nonsensical idea,but maybe it's how you define perfectedness

I bet those naysayers are back at it again when her album comes out,with more juicy 'fodder' to feed the legions of tabloids and their cynical readers.maybe not,but something to note that in our process of trying to be perf,we tend to magnify whatever flaws and whatever i-doubt-you-should-say-it. to those cynics,who cares if people from other places are able to take heart of her experience in moving out of the darkness.pardon me for being pharisical,but do we necessarily end up being sucked deeper into the vortex/black hole.that's why we've got 251 and Singapore's most notorious citizen,and the system just f***in ends up being pharisical again


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I wished I didn't have to get myself into such a mess.I wish I did.but now that the damage's done,I think I would need to get myself tags tell part of the mess I did,but it's nothing compared to the fact that I just simply lost least someone cares for her,so I shan't dwell too much unless I'm RIPping

maybe not

Having to go through a emotional roller coaster is bad enough.not knowing whether she's got someone or she's just trying to escape from the fact that someone liked her but fatally had little by-way of showing his feelings or emotions.confused at whether she liked him but was too shy to speak out(for whatever reason) or whether she dont because (a: someone else came first or b: she didn't like him and somehow got confused)

Disturbingly,he got tormented because he wasn't sure if he should really continue or he should just give up. conflicting messages go haywire in his head and he just goes ____...well get the story

maybe not

Saturday, March 17, 2007


The Chairs must have had enough of South Africa when they wanted one vote of non confidence too many,when they messed up palestine and somalia and disputed 5 times for an ECOSOC world fund resolution before they had a special one,all because someone changed the terms such that it controversially evaded the topic.sick shit.last resolution wasn't even bothered except for voting as I wrote with the team and my new UK crony a fake resolution that was supposed to be debated but was passed without vote.

all that remains is for tomorrow,which many people are looking forward to

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rodong Simun-a parody of North Korean propaganda

Arseholes has 'conquered all the devils of the imperialistics' at the SIMUN at the French School this afternoon. With the help of fellow 'gringo bashers' Venezuela and Cuba and other cronies they have succeeded in making the Canadians and Belgians look like Jackasses when they were caught dead supporting a resolution.and best of all the p5(Russia excluded as a super crony) were silent.hahaha

fake one la.update l8r.more business to do

whatever that is,Monday rocks,with a 4s3 outing that was supposed to involve most of them but just ended up with dinner and sentosa for 10

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Interestingly I managed to be able to stay sane after yesterday. as it turned out Val didn't get what I mean when I told her about the butchery at Parkway what happened was that they came late.luckily it wasn't east coast or something although the dog whom the 2 were playing with might need to be though dsome manners Borat style

it's pretty much fun when the 2 guys get cooking and the rest crapping about their NUS/NTU escapades.and bring the wine out too,although the 2002 Shiraz seems abit alcoholic due to its awful temperature at room temp.maybe that caused the blunder of the year,when everyone laughed when I get dipped into the koi pond instead,leading Val to remark that the fishes are afraid of me when they congregate in one side...aaaaahhhh.but coup is that they were overwhelmed by the bratwurst which none(i think) have ever tried this juicy

that's it...I can't wait for emerge 2007,although I think I might be considering POS,a trouble since I can lead cheers(Euro style with adrenaline and alcohol fueled delirium and vulgarity spewing chants) but not cheer lead(the American suits and crazy jumps)

I've never seen a pastor candidly talk about sex and the impact on culture,but I think I seemed suitably enlightened by Sy Rogers and his really hilarious way of putting the message through. Maybe that might draw flak from conservatives,but I think the way to salvation doesn't just mean believing,but also having faith in Him to deliver me from bondage.just yesterday I was slightly bored during cell and I thought that maybe the world would have been for His glory had He not (to some conservatives) 'condoned' such ridiculous games as online rape games. while I thought that was sick,maybe it really showed how God might actually be useful in the marketplace,that even the darkest gardens and corners in the world,of which the world have forsaken will see the light at the end of the tunnel,and of righteousness and truth instead

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm only human

Hey guys,it's St Pats day and I think I might guinea pig the BN people with guinness for their BBQ this sat,but I can't find Murphy's or Beamish's.I forgot all about the Murphy's at duty free last time out and the Beamish is quite hard to find.

What's over is OVER,I suppose
What's the big deal about AAAA A1 (DD M) when in fact only 2 of the S papers and 3 of the As will do for PSC,Presiden't Scholar,blahblahblah

That's what I think about SOME RJC students. Sure,I've friends there,and otherwise I'm proud of their achievements as a friend.But being paranoid about that isn't a solution
I know,67 failing GP in AJ isn't a glam thing,but at least in AJ there's still a semblance of humanity Just like his stories,it's all a dream.but it does sober us up to what we stand as humans nowadays. up to a point,after I hear too much of AAAAs,I suddenly think about the all-too-perfect surroundings of Super-Cannes...and I don't know if Rj was another Super-Cannes,except that you take out some of those stuff you see in the novel.

From this threshold,I suddenly think that the A levels have lost quite a large amount of its prestige. the old uncles at Cambridge and the old fashions duds at the MOE would be blase,but it just shows how badly this system is you've RJ ppl breezing through, and AJ having a 'rich poor gap'. either way it's like you threaten to kill a golden goose which may be impotent after laying so many golden eggs

suddenly thought of a very apt song to describe my mood.just one thing,most of my peers would find my music selection ridiculous

Friday, March 02, 2007

rare updates

Updates have become increasingly rarer as times have not went past smoothly.don't bother with asking me anything,because life is tough.not to say getting assaulted on many fronts.

that means nothing much except another lovely BN bbq on sunday and memories of being with 18 instead of 35 at pastamania