Sunday, March 11, 2007


Interestingly I managed to be able to stay sane after yesterday. as it turned out Val didn't get what I mean when I told her about the butchery at Parkway what happened was that they came late.luckily it wasn't east coast or something although the dog whom the 2 were playing with might need to be though dsome manners Borat style

it's pretty much fun when the 2 guys get cooking and the rest crapping about their NUS/NTU escapades.and bring the wine out too,although the 2002 Shiraz seems abit alcoholic due to its awful temperature at room temp.maybe that caused the blunder of the year,when everyone laughed when I get dipped into the koi pond instead,leading Val to remark that the fishes are afraid of me when they congregate in one side...aaaaahhhh.but coup is that they were overwhelmed by the bratwurst which none(i think) have ever tried this juicy

that's it...I can't wait for emerge 2007,although I think I might be considering POS,a trouble since I can lead cheers(Euro style with adrenaline and alcohol fueled delirium and vulgarity spewing chants) but not cheer lead(the American suits and crazy jumps)

I've never seen a pastor candidly talk about sex and the impact on culture,but I think I seemed suitably enlightened by Sy Rogers and his really hilarious way of putting the message through. Maybe that might draw flak from conservatives,but I think the way to salvation doesn't just mean believing,but also having faith in Him to deliver me from bondage.just yesterday I was slightly bored during cell and I thought that maybe the world would have been for His glory had He not (to some conservatives) 'condoned' such ridiculous games as online rape games. while I thought that was sick,maybe it really showed how God might actually be useful in the marketplace,that even the darkest gardens and corners in the world,of which the world have forsaken will see the light at the end of the tunnel,and of righteousness and truth instead

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