Monday, October 17, 2005


I didn't want that to go to waste

The following stunts and shit and stories and stuff in this blog and all blog posts were,and were not,performed by professionals and amateur,and/or under the direct or indirect or no supervision of professionals and wannabes and amateurs

Accordingly Josef and The Producers and his friends must insist that everyone,and no one,attempt to recreate or re-enact any stunt or activity or story performed in any,and every blog post.

So either and neither you or me or anyone else nor your dumb clever whatever little big buddies should,and should not,attempt anything from any blog posts or described in any of them

All and no characters and events in this blog even those based on real and fake peoples alike are entirely,and not entirely,fictional and non-fictional.All characters appearing in this work are fictitious and are not fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and non-coincidental.

All and No celebrity and non-celebrity voices,shits,acts,jackasses,whatevers are,and are not impersonated poorly and professionally at the same time. All the following posts contain,and do not contain,coarse language and flowery language and literary language and due to its content it should,and should not,be viewed by anyone and everyone

The opinions,viewpoints,actions and other stuff expressed and done by the guests in every blog post are solely their own opinion,although I can't guarantee if they were influenced or not.

Joseph,does,and does not endorse these comments but still bears no responsibility for any claims or legal or illegal action arising from whatever comments and actions in these blog posts. Don't bother calling your lawyer

A caution about the images in the blog: The pictures of identified and unidentified people featured on Joseph's blog are facial sketches and reconstructions, as well as already identified images and pictures. Nonetheless, the material may prove disturbing to some viewers.

The images held on the following pages have been produced by various artists and cameras and other stuff. Please note that the reconstructions and artist's impressions and photos are an interpretation of what the unidentified,and hitherto identified,persons may have looked like and should not be taken as an exact likeness if you so wanted to. Please also be aware that in some cases, descriptive factors concerning the individuals, such as height,weight,face,and other identification, may, and may not be accurate.

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