Tuesday, November 01, 2005

This is not a slamming session.should it warrant any supervision from a school authority that operates like the East German Stasi I would say I got it from a site which I do not know the address.The gulags seem better than this living torture

I cried during the farewell ceremony and I could say I don't exactly know what I was crying for.happy that he's leaving or sad that he's leaving.Academically I do not deny that he has made the school improve,but the singlemindedness in basing academic excellence at the expense of CCAs have left a trail of uneven growth in CCAs.I do not deny that I love the choir alot,because they do well,and volleyball too...but a lot of the other CCAs become shortchanged as a result.

the proliferation of nerds,for example has left AJC in need of a revolutionary image makeover that does not promise to improve the situation even within a year.oh yeah this year aren't really full of nerds,but the image has stuck in the minds of many of our juniors and the stereotype isn't going to be erased anytime soon.the extent of which is that those who don't act like a nerd are either scraping thru,or retained.the exams are important in gauging the ability of students.no denial about that and I have to live with it.BUT the over emphasis on paper qualifications have lent a new dimension to AJC's oppression where personal expression is concerned.

in fact the most colourful people in AJC are the ones most likely to be retained.and worse still AJC looks more and more like Singapore's society nowadays,or maybe an oppressive dictatorship.in other places,i heard repeat students are more hip or at least acknowledged,in AJC it looks as if retainees are slapped with a criminal record.ugh

oh yeah it looks as if the clash of the old order and the new turks have ended in a checkmate that looks like a stalemate.the reason why AJC people looked so stuck up unlike the more relaxed people of the top 5 and AC and the more contented people of SA and Ny is because of the constant struggle between the old and the new.the old guard's influence,built on years of experience and in my opinion,stubbornness and the new guard's patient but ultimately futile struggle to make AJC vibrant,have turned this place into a hot bed for the most hardened of conservatives and the most extreme of revolutionaries.this is the only place where the council's hands are so tied some people resort to taking matters into their own hands,with disastrous consequences

in effect the retirement of the principal will burst the can of worms due to the pressure,or leak and then it is a new road from here.I doubt the ex Cedar principal will try to upset the old order,but if the greater emphasis on the needs of students is considered,it is likely that the pandora's box will be opened,inevitably leading to problems which in the old principal's view will be very difficult to resist.hence judgement is reserved for now

I empty my pride

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