Monday, July 03, 2006

Special Jack the Ripper treat

I just chanced upon this video and it seemed interesting,plus it contains the elusive 5 min footage of what actually happened that Thursday at Jalan Besar....well actually 4 according to VJ insiders but I'm not arguing.It's a fine work,so I've decided to post the video here.enjoy!

Instructions for Use

Answer these questions:

1)Are You a Victorian? Y/N
2)Are You from Meridian JC? Y/N

I answer N/ follow the instructions below

Y(to a smaller extent those who has been there for the 1st 3 months)/N(duh!):congrats,you may start with the whole video.have fun reminiscing your happy VJ days!

N(any other school)/N(maybe ex VS people don't apply):lol looks like the first half of the video doesn't have any much significance for you,except for you to drool at their videocam skills.start by waiting it to load(pause while it's much faster) and then press the video timer at the half way mark and Presto! You will see the greatest comeback of all time to rival Barcelona 1999 and Istanbul 2005

N/Y:Watch the second half at your own risk. The makers of the video or any other posters will NOT be responsible for any bad memories or nightmares that return to haunt you

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