Friday, December 09, 2005

hahax i'm juz as lazy as my fren...whole day edit my dugout times then no time for the rest..but whatever,whose holidays still have blues?

seems like i'm making trips to the library lots of good books during the time,be it BBQ(who says bbq is just honey drizzled chicken wings and marshmallows?gonna bring in the american version full of wood smoke fragrance/odour),wine(interesting atlas of all the fine wine regions.aspires to sell good wine and beer as well.i can never be a teetolaler,so avoid getting ym liver pickled) or history.

there's one book that i just can't put down...that of Charlemagne.talks about his life and even the middle about goin back in's way better than SEA history(admittedly I'm more Eurocentric).had there been 2 basileus living in peace,one at Constantinople(Istanbul) and one at the West,it would have been an earlier renaissance...whatever the case he has so much of a bravado

yay next week's BN chalet.I miss BN!!

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