Friday, October 20, 2006


oh yeah many people can't live WITHOUT their computers anymore.especially when it comes to MSN Messenger.But with the proliferation of viruses,malware,spywares and the collection of Hepatitis,Ebola,birdflu,AIDS,etc that can infect both physical health and PC alike,sad to say my computer has been hospitalised with a suspect case of virus infection in a computer hospital,where a virus specialist will help to ascertain if a virus has caused computer fact judging from the doctor it seems like the situation is grim and he was hoping it wasn't a terminal disease.yet as I believe that God would be able to deliver everyone from the Dark Valley,I command the computer viruses in the name of Christ to get off the computers and stop harming the users.let there be no disease among computers and no malice among users

if that's the case 2006's AJC J1s can go down as the biggest scandal of 2006.just as many as 80% failed their econs,170 couldn't meet the promotional criteria!just how bad the fall out of this scandal is not known,as teachers and students alike are scurrying to deal with the effects of this once in a blue moon scandal.but part of what has been attributed is the lack of hunger and drive among students today to actively go about without being spoon fed as if they were on a catheter the lives of 52 people ebb away like the cardiogram going straight...I hope they don't go and cock out like shitass business

shoots.better go

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