Saturday, February 25, 2006

Torino Redux and Sheila/Ci/Yangz powerpack

7h ago:the other gang were at fuji ice palace just now,going brrrrrrr....yes we skated,much against my mum,who was convinced that skating would cost an arm and a leg,literally(bruises and fractures included)'s so slippery some guys swore they dun wanna come back here ever

26h ago:to shit that off,yesterday was 'drama nite'...oh wait,actually Interhouse Drama.yay Puma won,with a turbo pump ensemble of Sheila and Ci and Yangz(if you bring the house captain in,compared with the threadbare squads of the rest,you know what's in store)funny sial

Thu:never enjoyed PE before.Alex sucks.and there's little diff between HOD and Andy


more concert splurging.we dun mean any one.

8/3:ACJC band.used to be in late mar,but they kinda shifted the date,to my delight
April:teowww stringhold

news from Joce W345,Rachel and others about the next few concert dates coming up

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